Randy Frazee Acts Book


The Revolution of Faith

In this six-session study of Acts, bestselling author and pastor Randy Frazee guides small-group members through the growth of the early church. Frazee reveals what the author's words meant to his original readers - and how they apply to us today.

Bible Study for Your Church or Small Group

Part of the 40 Days Through the Book Series

Watch the first video session for free!

You can become part of God’s amazing revolution!

When you put your faith in Jesus, you become a member of the amazing family of God. You come into a place where you are known, loved, accepted…and never alone. But you also become part of a revolution that shook the foundations of society when the early church burst onto the scene—a revolution that still changes lives and even societies today.

Join me through this “revolution of faith.” You will trace the unlikely growth of the movement, as recorded in the book of Acts, from a marginalized man in Nazareth (Jesus), to twelve marginalized men from Galilee (the disciples), to the regions of Judea and Samaria, and ultimately to the ends of the earth—encompassing some 2.4 billion followers of Jesus today.